(360) 718-3640
Personal Injury Lawyer
Vancouver & Southwest Washington


Freak crashes involving detached wheels can happen unpredictably

In a best-case scenario, a detached wheel may only call for a tow truck rather than an ambulance. In some rare cases, however, wheel detachments can cause severe injuries and death on high-speed roadways. They're dubbed "wheel runoffs" or "runaway tires" and are often regarded as "freak crashes." Detached wheels can be dangerous for several...

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Common holiday-related accident risks that Vancouver residents should be aware of

The holiday season may be one of the riskiest times of year to travel on Vancouver roadways. As more people hit the road to visit friends and family or hit up the retail stores for gift shopping, traffic congestion will likely increase. Many drivers will become increasingly irritable, others distracted. To top it off, winter...

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Here are the best ways to prepare for fall driving risks

What do residents of greater Vancouver have to look forward to this fall? The beautiful foliage, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a slew of other fun fall celebrations. But like any other season, fall has its own driving risks, related to daylight saving time and slippery roads. Be prepared for daylight saving time On Sunday, November 3,...

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Can a serious crash cause PTSD? Researchers say yes.

A car accident can come with little or no warning. For some people, it may cause nothing more than a physical injury. However, researchers are now looking more closely at car accidents as a common cause of traumatic stress. Research referenced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs concluded that one percent of the US population...

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The best ways to avoid bicycle crashes

Bicycling is becoming a larger part of our lives, according to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. In addition to being an increasingly popular recreational and exercise activity, more Washingtonians are commuting to work and more students are pedaling to school. Sadly, more bicyclists mean more tragedies. In 2016, the state recorded 17 bicycle crash fatalities,...

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The best ideas to prevent pedestrian accidents in Vancouver

Road infrastructure often sets the stage for pedestrian accidents – which may involve poorly implemented signs, signals, or lack of visible crosswalks. The habits of motorists (distractions, speeding, impaired driving) are the leading causes of pedestrian accidents in Washington and throughout the United States. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) reports that from 2010-2016, The...

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