(360) 718-3640
Personal Injury Lawyer
Vancouver & Southwest Washington


Are Vancouver pedestrians safer at marked crosswalks than at unmarked crosswalks?

Many roadways have designated and marked areas where pedestrians must cross, but not all crossing areas are marked with painted lines. Washington state law (RCW 46.61.235) requires that drivers stop and remain stopped when pedestrians and cyclists are crossing the street. This applies to both marked cross walks and unmarked crosswalks at intersections. Under RCW...

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Tips on how to deal with aggressive drivers

We all come across other drivers who are in a hurry or take their frustration out on others for reasons we're not aware of. Aggressive driving may include tailgating, yelling, making disrespectful gestures and driving in a way that puts others in danger. According to the NHTSA, the most common causes of aggressive driving include:...

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Can alcohol detection systems prevent fatal crashes?

Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of catastrophic and deadly collisions in the United States. In fact, 10,511 people were killed in drunk driving crashes nationwide throughout 2018 — 166 of those deaths were in Washington State. On a national scale, drunk driving is the cause of about 30 percent of all road...

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Washington ranks poorly in distracted driving studies

Financial website MoneyGeek recently conducted a study that ranked each state for distracted driving. Researchers in the study analyzed crash data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the years 2017 and 2018. Out of the top 25 states, the Evergreen State ranked sixth in the nation for having the highest rate of distracted...

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