(360) 718-3640
Personal Injury Lawyer
Vancouver & Southwest Washington


Breaking Bad Habits: How Drivers in Washington State Can Be Safer

Many car accidents in Washington State occur due to preventable mistakes made by drivers. Whether it's motorists not paying attention or going too fast, such dangerous driving habits often wreak havoc on Washington's roads and result in serious collisions. So, what can drivers do to make our roads safer? AAA has several suggestions on how...

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Winter Holidays Bring Spike in Fatal Drunk Driving Deaths

Learn tips to avoid drunk driving this holiday season. As the holiday season approaches, the risk of fatal drunk driving accidents looms larger. During the winter holidays, the U.S. experiences an increase in fatal drunk driving accidents. In Washington State over the past three years, there have been more than 130 December fatal crashes in...

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How Long Does It Take To Realize You Have Whiplash?

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents, especially rear-end collisions. Whiplash occurs when the head is jerked backward and forward, straining the neck's soft tissues. However, recognizing the signs and symptoms of whiplash may not always be immediate. What causes the delayed onset of whiplash symptoms? Whiplash symptoms often don't...

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Speed A Major Factor In Clark County Traffic Fatalities

There has been a concerning rise in speeding-related fatalities in Washington State. Car accidents happen every year in Washington State, and too often, they result in fatalities. According to preliminary data, there were 750 statewide traffic fatalities in 2022. This is a marked increase from recent years. Between 2015 and 2020, the number of traffic...

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AAA Traffic Study Calls for Safety-First Speed Limits

A recent nationwide study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reveals that when traffic safety officials raise speed limits on highways, it often leads to an increase in car accidents caused by speeding drivers. The study sheds light on the potential risks associated with raising speed limits and highlights the importance of considering...

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Washington State Has 9th Most Teen Driver Fatalities During Summer Months

Studies show teens are more at risk of car accidents in the summer. Summer is an exciting time for teens in Washington State as they embrace the warmer weather and freedom from school responsibilities. However, amidst the thrill lies a sobering reality - summer can be dangerous for young drivers. Tragically, car accidents involving teens...

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Understanding Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, which serves as a reminder for all drivers to share the road and look twice for motorcyclists. Unfortunately, despite efforts to promote safety and awareness, motorcycle accidents still happen due to the reckless actions of other drivers. In a crash, bikers are at a higher risk of injury and...

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Distracted Driving Involved in Almost 25% of Serious Crashes in Washington State

Distracted driving is a serious issue that impacts all road users Distracted driving is a serious issue that's on the rise, impacting drivers throughout the United States, including Washington State. This reckless behavior can have severe consequences, resulting in fatal motor vehicle accidents. Distracted Driving Awareness Month is observed in April, and it's an opportunity...

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