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Vancouver & Southwest Washington

Washington Car Insurance Rates to Rise: Don't Settle for Less After a Crash

car accident crash debris on road

Insurance premiums are due to rise again one year after an astounding 12% rate hike in Washington.

While this year's increase isn't expected to be as severe as 2022, the higher price is another sign that the insurance industry is taking bold measures to squeeze more money out of people injured in Washington car accidents. The nearly $40 billion in profits insurance companies have made since 2020 makes the situation even more outrageous.

Nationwide, car insurance rates are expected to increase by around 8.4%. This would make the average cost of full car insurance in Washington $1,536.

Never accept a settlement without first consulting with a lawyer

And with recent changes to auto insurance rates affecting drivers all over the country, you can expect it to get even harder to get the compensation you deserve after a crash.

It is more important now than ever to have an experienced car accident lawyer on your side after a bad crash. Unfortunately, too many people don't consult with an attorney first and wind up accepting lowball settlements that don't come close to covering the cost of their actual damages. It's important to remember that once you accept compensation from the insurance company and sign a release that's enforceable, your case is closed and you can't go back to ask for more money.

Hiring a lawyer after a car accident

There are many misconceptions and a lot of wrong information about getting a lawyer involved after a car accident. When accident victims don't at least contact a lawyer for a free consultation, insurance companies have an easier time manipulating them into accepting less money than they need and deserve.

  • Lawyers offer free consultations. If you were injured in a crash, you can contact a car accident lawyer for a free case evaluation. During this consultation, the law firm's team should listen to your case, answer questions, and explain your legal options moving forward. There's no obligation to hire, and everything you say is confidential.
  • Lawyers work on contingency. Many car accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. That means there is no upfront cost or downpayment for their service. Instead, the attorney's fee is a percentage of the recovered compensation. An appropriate rate is determined with the client before work begins. Payment is contingent, or "depends upon," the attorney recovering money in the case. Therefore, if the attorney doesn't recover money on behalf of their client, they don't get paid.
  • Lawyers can level the playing field. The insurance companies have lawyers working on their side day and night and will take advantage of this power imbalance. Hiring an attorney can help level the playing field and ensure that your legal interests are protected.
  • Lawyers know not to trust insurance companies. People may believe that insurance companies will act in good faith and provide them with fair compensation without the need for legal representation. However, insurance companies often prioritize their own profits and try to minimize payouts. According to the insurance companies' own research, on average, people who consult lawyers recover more compensation than those who do not. This is true even after considering attorney fees.

Never settle for less. Talk to a car accident lawyer today

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident can be daunting, as they often prioritize their profits over your best interests. At The Scott Law Firm, PLLC, we understand this challenge and help individuals navigate the complexities of insurance claims to secure the compensation they deserve.

Attorney Colin Scott is dedicated to fighting for your rights and countering insurance company tactics (disputing/delaying claims, downplaying injuries, offering inadequate settlements). To learn more, contact us today for a free consultation.

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